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Thursday, December 10, 2009

block some applications with AppLocker

Ever have the desire to block a particular application so as not to be used by anyone? Many reasons for doing so, there is because you don't want the application, but you can't be uninstall, for example Internet Explorer browser. Applications that would endanger the system if used. If there are applications that can do it all must be calm when you leave the computer to be used by anyone.

AppLocker (Application Locker) comes with a compact display and can help you to prevent the application passes that we want. Doing so does not block the application active in the system can actually be done without the help of third-party applications, for example through the Local Security Policy, but no one as quickly and as easily as AppLocker. Applications are very useful if the computer is used by many people without a separate account

When you first run the application will display a list of computer applications including the popular, such as Microsoft Word, Internet Explorer, Nero Burning Rom and others. These applications will be displayed even though it is not installed on your computer. Put a check in one application from the list to prevent the application running / active.

at the time you need to do a block of applications other than in the list, then you need to do is to click the configure button. After open the Configuration window enter the applications installed on the computer with the extension. Exe and fill in the caption with the name of the application. sdangkan applications previously on the list, you can also delete them in the configure window.

AppLocker available for free, with only 991 KB size, and has been designed to run on terminal servers and workstations. but this application does not have his own protection, so that others can easily access these applications and make changes to the arrangements that have been made.

but this application can be for you to test.
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